Do you need a mouthwatering story with a breakthrough plot that keeps you on your toes? What if you could find that complete satisfaction you've been searching for in a novel? Think of how wonderful that would be. Now is the time for your desires to be sated. Discover the acclaimed style of Virgil Allen Moore and buy Demon Vampire.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Vampire Review Has Given Demon Vampire An Award! The Tide Has Risen, The Work Has Born It's Fruit.

     Recently Demon Vampire was submitted for review to receive a blog award. Within a few short hours, Demon Vampire was declared "Awesome" by Vamchoir of The Vampire Review. It is with great honor I, Virgil Allen Moore Accept this award for my blog, Demon Vampire. Though recognition has come quickly in these past few months of toil, I am seeking to acquire a new level of status with plans to obtain an interview with Guillermo Del Toro.

1 comment:

SunTiger said...

Hurray. It looks great!