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Sunday, February 26, 2012

What I've Been Up To

A great many things have happened lately. Things that have taxed my resolve momentarily to exciting responses to my inquiries that have revitalized the faith I hold in my will.

I have resisted the urge to pass on this negativity or other wise transfer it in any way to my following public beyond a simple mention. Besides that, my continued efforts have proven quite fruitful. I have written two more short stories that only need to be edited and then released. They will be testaments to the skill I have honed through these past months as a writer.

Neither short story is related to vampires however. They are pure creations delving into an experimental nature that I have spent far too long ignoring - General Fiction. At with one of them. The other is a surreal journey that has to be read to be understood. "Diffinity" is a path that has to be uncovered and deciphered rather than merely viewed. I believe I will spark a vast collection of hate mail through the symbolism intertwined with this installment of the blog. Regardless, it will be enjoyed by some and that I have learned is worth all the chatter in the world.

As to the other story, I haven't named it yet, or rather I haven't decided on a final title. The working name is "Seven Hours." It is about two young people and their insecurities that are shared over the course of one stranded night alone together. Although the main 'seven hour' referred to in the title contain no sex, there are of course sexual themes and romantic tones running through the tale. The content covers the hidden idiosyncrasies of a young high school senior boy (the 16 year old protagonist), and a popular senior girl (The romantic interest at 18 years old) on their final trip before the last week of school.

The two stories should be released on the blog in the next month or so.

Thank you for all your support. Please Comment & Subscribe to my blog. There's a prize each month and all you have to do is follow the blog openly. Click Here to Follow Directly.

Virgil Allen Moore

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