Do you need a mouthwatering story with a breakthrough plot that keeps you on your toes? What if you could find that complete satisfaction you've been searching for in a novel? Think of how wonderful that would be. Now is the time for your desires to be sated. Discover the acclaimed style of Virgil Allen Moore and buy Demon Vampire.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Download Was A Success

On Saturday, there was a surprise free download of the sample chapters, SSR 1192, and then on Monday, Demon Vampire became free as well.

In the course of 24 hours, 474 people downloaded the ebook. Congrats to those near five hundred souls!

As usual, the freebie days that any of my books are set up on are a close guard secret and are very far between. Also, for the small price of $2.99, you don't have to wait.

On a side note, Book Two is going well. I have a hidden announcement that will be made in October as well. All I can say is that it involves more words;)

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