Do you need a mouthwatering story with a breakthrough plot that keeps you on your toes? What if you could find that complete satisfaction you've been searching for in a novel? Think of how wonderful that would be. Now is the time for your desires to be sated. Discover the acclaimed style of Virgil Allen Moore and buy Demon Vampire.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Time In-Between

Now onto the most odd time in a writer's life. 

The Time In-Between.

I recently completed the editing for Demon Vampire and it was released on Oct 18th, but now and until December, I'm on break.

It feels a bit odd. I've been editing on and off for the last year and worrying about deadlines here and there all the while. It's been a roller coaster. And now, it's on pause.

I feel like there is a void in my nights. Like there's something that is missing that I should have been doing. I miss it. I must admit that I really do miss it. Of course there are things that I have been pushing back here and there that I now need to get on. So there is no end to what I can fill my time with. But it's still there. THE Ache for more.

I have been evolved so much in this world lately. It's difficult to get out of it. Of course I've written other stories, some sci-fi, some emotional, some mental concepts. But all of them have taken only a cinder to the flame that has been developed with The Redgold Series. Zack and Kyli have come so far that I know them as more than characters now. There choices and lives are becoming even more solidified to me and of course all of you that have followed them so far.

I wanted to let you all know that it won't be long this time around. I have more than the next six novels written out and I will be releasing them every six months beginning in March, 2014. Get Ready, There Will Be More Blood.


Virgil Allen Moore

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