Do you need a mouthwatering story with a breakthrough plot that keeps you on your toes? What if you could find that complete satisfaction you've been searching for in a novel? Think of how wonderful that would be. Now is the time for your desires to be sated. Discover the acclaimed style of Virgil Allen Moore and buy Demon Vampire.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Full Marketing Plan for Demon Vampire

    As it stands, this is the full plan for my rise to the best seller lists of the nation.
    With the book Demon Vampire written, I have two other novels in the series to write. Demon vampire: Special Science Report 1192, and Demon Vampire: The Elder Ritual. When they are completed, I will have three books under one purpose to further my writing career. Since Demon Vampire is an Epic Paranormal Dark Fiction about vampires, the market for it is a hard sale for a publisher, more so for an agent unless they have the ability to branch out. Considering there aren't many single vampire novels over 230,000+ words out there, taking me on will require an act of faith in my abilities as a writer.
    So far I have established myself on facebook and twitter, gaining over 400+ friends/ followers on each. I have written near a hundred posts and keep the frequency to about once a week. The foot hold I have made has allowed me to prosper. I have put together a press kit, a publisher's kit, and an endorsement kit. As of this post, I have not yet decided on a final design for the art of the bookmarks, but I have arranged them into three groups. The first book mark is of Zack on one side and Kyli on the other. The title on both sides, the website as well. The second will be Yugo and Marin, the third will be Salas and Malio. There will also be a 4 x 6 mini-poster of an attractive looking Kyli on one side and a handsome Zack on the other. Both pieces will be incorporated into each kit.
    Once I am picked up by an agent, the major work will begin. I will start the official endorsement searching. I will be submitting to celebrities, famous writers, even bands that have a tie in to the book Demon Vampire. With an endorsement, the book will gain a needed sense of added quality, elevating it to a higher status than it already is.
    During the time in which the book is being sold to a publisher, I will be sending out review kits to certain reviewers. The top reviewers on Amazon, people on other review websites as well will all get a copy of a Demon Vampire advance copy. Eventually the reviews will come back and I will begin the selection of them.
    When the book is published I will begin a viral marketing campaign. Each person that follows me on this blog will get a free eBook of Demon Vampire: Special Science Report 1192. They will be told to give the book to everyone they know that might like it. As well as to tell five people of the book in person in exchange for the generosity of getting an eBook for free. There will also be instructions on how to get another eBook, Demon Vampire: The Elder Ritual, for free. If they send in a list of 20 email address and they those people later sign up to follow the blog, they will get the second eBook. Inside they are told to tell ten people in person and that they can have their own copy of the full Demon Vampire book , signed by the author, sent to their house for free. To do so, they are required to send in 50 emails and have them sign up to be followers as well. This way each person that comes to the site informs up to 85 people of the book. Even if they don't tell the 15 people, the number stands at 70. If they think signing up 50 people in order to get Demon Vampire is too much, they will simply buy it directly off the site. The same is true for the second eBook, if signing up 20 people is too much, they can buy the book for a few dollars on the site. Again each copy instructs the reader to spread the word about the book and tells them how to gain the other two eBooks. Each new person that comes across the site will tells others and continues the process.
    From here, the real work begins. Sending to every newspaper, every book review blogger, every magazine, and every journalist that is appropriate for the book Demon Vampire. The rest of the endorsements are sent out. I will send out the distributor kits to the national, regional, and local distributors. I will place an ad in the national publishing trade magazine that my book is available and that I am able to take interviews via radio, podcast, television, and print.
    The book itself will have a message directly on the cover. "The only epic vampire novel guaranteed to be a page turner, or the author will buy it back." As well as a stick that will say "$30 in free eBooks, details inside! Chance to win a free signed poster each month, no purchase necessary." This is a marketing device used to provide a complete risk reversal on the potential buyer. If they are told that the author himself will buy the book back, it removes their fear of being suckered by an inferior novel. If the author has such confidence in the novel that he will guarantee its quality, the reader is able to make a worry free decision about purchasing the book. The added $30 in eBooks gives an extra for buying this novel. It allows the reader to gain access to more of the story for no more investment on their part. This I assume will be a wonderful marketing tactic since my publisher will not be affected by it. If a book is returned at the bookstore, it has a potential to impact their bottom line. This way, it only influences mine. And since I have a truly amazing product, I have the reassurance that I will not get many returns through this offer.
    I will be contacting the Red Cross to set up a charity event for the book to benefit them and their national disaster relief efforts. The event will be held on my publication date. I will invite celebrities that have a tie in to the book Demon Vampire or otherwise have a connection to the Red Cross' efforts. I will be inviting Marilyn Manson, HIM, Don Henrie, Buckethead, and any other group or persons that may want to gather for the charity event. I will be donating half the profits of the books sold at the event to the Red Cross, as well as auctioning off a signed copy of the book Demon Vampire that includes the printed versions of Demon Vampire: Special Science Report 1192 and Demon Vampire: The Elder Ritual. This will be a completely unique book that will be one of a kind for the benefit of the Red Cross directly.
    The combined effects of the viral marketing program with the culmination of the charity event will cause the book to be asked about in every city that the event is covered in. On top of that, each newspaper and magazine that wrote a review on the book will have readers that will ask their local book store about the book. The stores in turn will already have the book, or if they didn't already obtain it they can request it from their local distributors which will already have a listing for the book because of my earlier efforts to submit to them.
    The book should hit the San Francisco Chronicle's Bestseller list a few weeks after the pub date. A few weeks later, it should hit The New York Times Bestseller list. I will be hiring a publicist to set up press releases, print ads, and to book my for radio/television interviews.
     I will try to do two radio interviews a week on the subject of morality. Yes, you read it right, morality. The book, Demon Vampire is at its heart a morality tale. Would you sell your soul to protect everyone you knew and to save your own life? It is a powerful question that invokes a great deal of emotion.
    From there, the next step is to translate Demon Vampire into other languages and sell it in the respective countries. Mandarin, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Gaelic, and finally Braille for good measure. Then the book will be recorded into an English audio version, then into the audio versions of the above languages. The books will be sold to publishers in each field of their respective countries. The world-wide sales will climb and the royalties will come in as I write the sequel to the book entitled Demon Vampire: Redgold.
    The book will be sent to production studios in an attempt to raise attention to the possibility of the movie rights being sold. At this point I will be contacting companies that have a possible tie in with the book for sponsorship rights and merchandising rights. I will be contacting little known fashion designers that have a Gothic style that are willing to work with me. I will have a fashion line created in conjunction with the book. I will be contacting ASUS to create a licensed version of the same netbook that I wrote the story itself on. With these products and more, I will ensure continued exposure of the book.
    With this plan, I will make the book Demon Vampire a success. The plan can still be modified, but it can only be improved upon in the future. In the meantime, I hope this information helps anyone seeking to build a marketing plan in the future.

Virgil Allen Moore

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